Monday, April 20, 2009

Earth Day

Hi everyone!
Earth Day is just 2 days away and I'm sure we could all be more environmentally friendly. But sometimes it seems like we have to spend more money to be greener. (buying expensive hybrid cars, installing expensive solar panels, or replacing all our appliances.) Well, here are a few easy to do things we can do to help the environment and save money.
  • Take reusable shopping bags to the grocery store (They're easier to carry, plus you can enter a drawing for a $25 gift card at Trader Joe's!)
  • Use reusable containers instead of plastic baggies (Saves you money too!)
  • Use a reusable water bottle with tap water instead of buying it. (Los Angeles won a gold medal in a tap water taste testing in 2008.)
  • Get electronic statements and bills. (Less postage and less paper! Think of all the time saved not shredding documents!)
Happy Earth Day everyone! And remember these easy little tips to help save the environment and save you money!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Grand Opening

April 6th- April 10th LA Financial is celebrating the Grand Opening of our Operation HOPE La Brea Branch in Los Angeles. This new branch will offer traditional banking services PLUS financial literacy & home-buying programs, credit counseling and case management services (thru Operaiton HOPE.)

Stop by during the celebration to get one free spin on our "Wheel of Prizes"*.

Prizes include: Clipper tickets, umbreallas, rally monkeys, reuable grocery bags, gift bags and more! AND, receive a FREE gift bag for opening a new product.

*Must be 18 years of older to participate. Limit one free gift bag per member.

Don't miss a surpirse guest appearance by Zach Randolph, LA Clipper player - Thursday, April 9th from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Los Angeles (La Brea Branch)
Hope Banking Center
3717 S La Brea Ave, Suite 104
Los Angeles CA 90016