Monday, December 28, 2009

Look out 2010!

December is just about over and its time to start thinking about my new year's resolution, that is aside from my constant resolution to start putting away my laundry... For 2009, I wanted to keep my credit card in check, using it only for emergencies and when I really needed it. While I won't start 2010 without a balance, I have a new plan. For 2010, I'm going to create (and stick to!) a budget. I've made up a spreadsheet for myself so I can track my expenses every month in regards to how much I will put into savings, how much I will need for bills/rent/utilities/gas, estimated budget for food, and miscellaneous expenses. I already have a separate savings account for the weddings I will be in/attending this year and I will probably open one for this year's big vacation too (Greece maybe?...). I've got big plans for you, 2010! With my trusty budget in hand, this will be the best year yet.

Anyone else have good intentions for the new year?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Gifts Tip 2

Buying gifts for everyone you know can be a huge expense, not to mention stressful! My second gifting tip for this season may help with the expense part. Instead of buying gifts, maybe make some gifts. It's not as hard as it sounds. You can make photo albums (scrapbooks) of things you have done throughout the year for grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles. What they really want to see is you and you can add your own special touches to personalize it. Remember to keep it simple though, I've heard people can get a little crazy at the scrapbooking section of Michaels and all those little items add up quick. If you knit or crochet, you can make scarves, hats, mittens, or anything that fits into your skill level. Trust me, a home-made toasty scarf is always appreciated. These are just 3 suggestions, but if you have different talents and ideas, go for it! And if you make it a theme gift for a lot of people, you can buy the materials in bulk and significantly lower your cost for a very thoughtful gift.